Friday, November 14, 2008

Does Progress always have a Downside?

With the new president, there's a happier atmosphere all around. Despite the economic crisis that is by no means over, Barack Obama's promise for change certainly has raised everyone's national optimism. While nobody can be sure of the future, at least we can say thatAmerica is breaking down barriers with this election. Even if the president doesn't live up to expectations, national progress has still been made in racism.

I was reminded of the election when I was reading Give Me Liberty by Eric Foner today, and read about America's earliest elections. It was a long process from the first election until African Americans were even allowed to vote, and we've come all the way to the President. Foner mentioned how when the voting rights were expanded for more whites, they were closed off to almost all African Americans, showing the bad side of progress. Will there be a bad side to our newfound national progress as well? We'll have to wait and find out, but the national progress over time is undeniable.

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