Sunday, September 21, 2008

EVERYTHING is an Argument

Upon reading Everything's an Argument by Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz, I immediately thought of the presidential campaign, and I couldn't really fit it under just one sub-section of argument. It would definitely fall under "Arguments to Convince"(10), because each candidate argues to America that they would be the best leader for the country, a very difficult task. For example, Barack Obama's campaign slogan is "Change we can believe in", an argument obviously meant to convince us of his ability to change America, and his overall ethos. I also found the campaign easily fitting under the the heading "Arguments to Make Decisions", because it is described as aiming "at making good, sound decisions"(13), and that's something that America is attempting to do. It's up to the candidates to convince us that they would be the better, more sound choice. A third heading I found was under "Arguments about the Future" (18), mainly because the it includes establishing "policies for the future", and that's what the presidents are all about. They have to argue why they would be good candidates for the future of America. Obviously, the presidential campaign is full of argument both secret and hidden, I guess it's up to us to decide which arguments to agree with and which to ignore.

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